BFA Project

My piece is a large-format graphic using printmaking techniques that educates the viewer about measles statistics in the United States and illustrates the importance of getting vaccinated. The text was printed using stencils and the illustrations are linoleum block prints. Each panel was printed on Stonehenge paper. To me, the process of inking and printing finished linoleum blocks always reminds me of art class in elementary school, messy and fun. The connection between childhood and measles is important in this work because the virus can be especially dangerous to young children. I also photographed the work on a playground to solidify that connection.

The purpose of my piece is to educate the viewer about the dangers of not vaccinating your children for diseases that are easily preventable but can be quite serious, such as the measles virus. Looking at my piece, the viewer will be able to see the sudden rise in measles cases in the U.S. from just last year alone and be able to understand how important vaccination is. The audience will also be able to visualize how herd-immunization is critical to ensure the public’s safety. I feel informing people about public health in this present climate is imperative. During this current pandemic, it is crucial to be well-informed about the health and safety of yourself and others and practice good personal hygiene and participate in social distancing. When a vaccine is distributed for COVID-19, I hope my piece will encourage the public to get vaccinated.


Type Designer Book


Graphic Designer Booklet